Bayesian Representation and Inference for Complex Knowledge Structuring
BRICKS is a Probabilistic Relational Modeling framework
that supports creating and utilizing models of large-scale and complex systems.
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Operational risk assessment of an aircraft fleet
Assessment of the risk of collapse of an offshore platform given structural redundancy
End-user tool for instantiating and evaluating a knowledge base regarding risks in nuclear facilities
Bayesia S.A.S.
Parc Cérès, Bâtiment N
21, rue Ferdinand Buisson
53810 Changé, France
Bayesia S.A.S. is a French software development company, founded in 2001 by Dr. Lionel Jouffe and Dr. Paul Munteanu, which specializes in artificial intelligence technology.
Bayesia’s software portfolio covers all aspects of decision support with Bayesian networks and includes BayesiaLab, BEST and BRICKS. Their spectrum ranges from applied research to the development and deployment of industrial applications.